Awakenings happen as they should. They occur via forced order change, inspirational change, or natural order change – – – Life’s little Change Agents. As deep calls onto deep, it is imperative that one set aside time to quiet the mind, center in on this moment in time, and be present in this moment, this breath, to what an omnipotent creator has for you.
“Be still and know that I am God” is one of the reasons why the act of surrendering this moment in time is life changing. In this moment, the emptying of thoughts, distractions, outside and inside noise creates a centered safe space to begin a journey of resting in peace within the heart, mind, body, and spirit.
We live in an unprecedented time, where every individual is experiencing a life-challenging shift towards rising above the issues and centering in on spiritual awakenings. Nowadays, many people go through extreme uncertainty levels, broken relationships, have anxiety, and experience sudden changes in their belief system as a consequence. We see our cultured lifestyle moving towards an evolved state of consciousness. If you’re experiencing a similar paradigm shift, perhaps the art of spiritual awakening can help you navigate through life’s troubles successfully and strategically.
Spiritual awakening is the power of stretching your personal beliefs and diving deeper into the undisclosed world of collective consciousness. For those who believe they are already spiritually awake, the question is, “Just how spiritually awake are you, and how far can you go into the world of the unknown?”
The truth is that spirituality isn’t something you can find easily, especially amid the confused human emotions engulfing us from all corners. Finding hope and love in times of uncertainty is what cooperating with divine grace is all about. So how exactly can we unlock the divine potential within ourselves? The answer lies in recognizing your inner voice!
Every soul comes with a built-in inner voice that pushes them to expand their awareness, experience new realities, learn new things, and embrace a larger reality. While the inner voice is available to all, identifying it is something that you can only experience through spiritual awakening.
For example, if we read Bruce Barcomb’s “The Change Agent- Paradigm Shift in Consciousness,” we can understand how our inner voice, sometimes in the form of emotions, forces us to deal with the choices we make. The book highlights that all individuals are connected to each other in one way or another and share similar experiences throughout their lives. The author speaks about how conscious awakening is the greatest healer and teacher in life, and that without it, we would all stay the same. Thus, it’s completely up to us to either evolve ourselves through spiritual awakening or continue to stay the way we are and gain nothing!
It’s never too late if you wish to redefine the direction of your life. People should learn and grow through their personal efforts first and then count on the divine grace to guide them toward a well-integrated life.
The author reflected on the mantra that spurned all 12 step movements of the 20th and 21st century from its First Century Christianity roots known as the Oxford Group. As self-reflection and truth are paramount to form an honest cornerstone, The Oxford Group required a moral inventory as one of its foundational tenants. This philosophical spiritual tool of self-examination requires the ability to reconcile themselves with their concept of God, self, and ultimately the world.
This transformative act of self-empowerment is why cultures from around the world follow this process to arrive at sustainable change within themselves and their respective communities. These metanoias, changes of heart, spiritual awakenings, occur in the middle of spectacular upheavals in our lives, if we are open to them.
Conclusively, divine grace is for all! However, one must seek diligently to experience spiritual and conscious awakening. There’s so much more that you can do than just attending a few lectures and reading a few books to recognize your inner voice. Remember, grace isn’t where you think it is! Unconditional love for the Divine, deep meditation, and staying true to your emotions are some excellent ways to lead you toward spiritual healing and awakening.
In the tradition of the Jesuit’s, cultivate an intelligent heart, and compassionate mind.